Since childhood, I'd always been more of a hoarder than a minimalist. The spaces I cleared from donating eventually got filled. Though some may consider this a problem, I actually like this part of me. The issue, however, arose when my things got so cluttered in a shelf, removing one would risk the others falling. At the very least, it was a hassle.
By the time my birthday arrived, my interest in Rilakkuma had been discussed between me and my girlfriend. She surprised me with this wonderful bag! Though I preferred to use another to store my things for when I leave the use, the bag serves as a great way to organize certain items. It also lets me move them around easily!
I added a small plastic bin inside to keep the "walls" solid, but it isn't too much of a a difference.

I don't know where my girlfriend got this gift and she won't tell me the prices (what a considerate sweetheart <3). I'm also unable to find websites nor stores selling this bag. If I do, I'll be sure to update sharing the info!